Health Promotion
Our mission is to coordinate, evaluate, and promote location-specific, evidence-based interventions that support healthy behavior change to optimize performance and resilience in the Kaiserslautern Military Community area and our supported geographically separated units.
We support the mission by:
Providing unit commanders, first sergeants, and superintendents with actionable data on airmen health, and identify high-risk units with suboptimal population health metrics
Coordinating internal and external educational resources for individuals on tobacco-free living, optimal nutrition, physical activity, sleep and fatigue management, and healthy weight
Ramstein Health Promotion Services
Our facility offers the following services in person for individuals or groups; open to all DOD ID cardholders unless otherwise specified:
Human performance briefings covering nutritional fitness, supplement safety, tobacco-free living, sleep hygiene, healthy eating made easy, shift work, weight loss, and physical activity.
To schedule a one-on-one appointment for tobacco cessation or health and wellness coaching, or to schedule human performance briefings for a group, please call Health Promotion at 06371-47-1799 or DSN 480-1799 or email is at No referrals needed for these services.
Sign up for existing classes or InBody health assessments using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. No referrals needed for these services.
Our clinic doesn’t currently offer Medical Nutrition Therapy to military dependents. Please contact the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center’s Nutrition Care Division for this service. For an appointment, please call 06371-9464-7144 or DSN 590-7144.
What TRICARE Covers
Insurance isn’t required for most of Health Promotion’s general wellness services.
TRICARE covers medical nutrition therapy and counseling in inpatient and outpatient settings. TRICARE also covers the following medically necessary food, medical equipment, supplies, and services. You must get these from a TRICARE authorized provider. The referrals are for certain covered diseases and conditions only.
See a Complete List of Covered Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Health Promotion Located?
Building 2117A, Harmon Avenue.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Please call us at 06371-47-1799.
Do I need a referral?
No referrals are needed for medical nutrition therapy. All other services are by walk-in or can be scheduled via phone call or email as above.
Can dependents schedule nutrition assessments?
While priority for Medical Nutrition Therapy is given to active duty service members, all other services are open to DOD ID cardholders. TRICARE beneficiaries may be seen by a registered dietitian at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center without a referral. For an appointment, please call 06371-9464-7144, or DSN 590-7144.